OD Financial Web Calculators

OD Financial provides a range of fully-functional web-based financial calculators, capable of providing excellent value-added content to your own web site.

Some of the range includes:

Compared with simply making additional personal Contributions to your superannuation, here’s a strategy which can greatly increase your retirement benefit. Check it out! Yes, it will cost a fortune (but they're worth it !). See how to minimize the pain ...
Is your retirement goal on target? Is it achievable? Have a look at this calculator and see if you can aim higher and reach your goal sooner! Gee, didn't those bank ads sound good ? Before you rush out and talk to them, explore your mortgage for yourself !
How much life and disability insurance cover do we really need? How much is enough to protect the family, business/personal assets and maintain our lifestyle? This simple tool will help you decide! Explore what that pay rise or share dividend will really do for your pocket ...
You’ve heard about it, now see how the Power of Compound Interest can work for you. See what effect gearing your savings will have with this fun calculator
The government co contribution to superannuation and how it can help you.

All calculators a fully-self contained, and can be tailored to fit you own unique web site design and layout. And all this in less than 50K (that's kilobytes not dollars!) !

If you would more information about the above calculators, please email us.