Some of these models are live and all perform important calculations - the geared investment model uses up to date tax calculations but this is not a financial advice site. This is to help you think about the market advantage YOU would have, and how much better your clients' best interests will be served, if you are able to show your clients the effect of regulatory or market change WHEN it is happening - not when a software provider manages to update their software, or when a product provider manages to brief you.


This model was posted within days of a federal budget pension change - our technology and regulatory mastery enables this...

Loan Calculator

How you use your loans and credit facilities can save you thousands. Use this model to look at some options.

Geared investments

Investigate how geared investments can work for you. The unique combination of performance, costs of borrowing and tax tells the story - updated 2021.

Carbon Tax

How many sites enabled you to assess the impact of Labor's 'Carbon tax' on your personal budget? We did - months before that election! If anyone comes up with similar proposals for 2022 - check here!

TTR and contributions tax

Where are the new boundaries that now rule out TTR drawing/Salary Sacrifice strategies for some? Another example of how timely analysis can put you in front!"

Super Guarantee increase

What will an increase in SG contributions actually mean for your retirement - and for subscribers what else will it mean?"